R2 Manual by Reece Ward
R2 Manual by Reece Ward

Unsurprisingly there’s a lot of Redbubble artists featured in this great list of Star Wars T-Shirts on HideYourArms – even though they clearly  missed one 🙂

It’s great to see such a big representation from the Redbubble community in the list, and a lot of artists are featured a number of times.

So, here’s a big shout to the mighty Redbubble designers below that featured in the list (forgive me if I missed any):

RubyRed | James Lillis | Reece Ward : biased as I happen to own an R2 manual shirt 🙂 | ZAAAAP | wmartins | Geek Chic | popmash | Warren Hart | Cathie Tranent | Lordy99 | Monstar | superiorgraphix | BornOfTheSun | Benj | quigonjim | Mark Wilson | Apasun | Mundy Hacket | Jemma Kamelski | Kerry Ward | Mungo

If they’re tagged right then you’ll find all of Redbubble’s Star Wars t-shirts here

Add any more you reckon were missed in the comments…