Shout – T-Shirt by Matthew Dunn

Shout! - T-Shirt by Matthew Dunn
Shout! - T-Shirt by Matthew Dunn

Sometimes the best effects come from simple techniques.

What I particularly like about this great design by Matthew Dunn is that not only is it just rocking minimal colours, it’s got a great feeling of leaping ‘alien-style’ from your chest.

The lines in the face and the expression are very Stan Lee, making the subject appealing straight away.

Simple subject, but the face detail and colour combinations make this a really effective and cool shirt.

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Melbourne Heritage Tram – T-Shirt

Melbourne Heritage Tram
Melbourne Heritage Tram T-Shirt

If you’re a visitor or a local to Melbourne, trams are an icon part of the city scenery. From the heritage trams like this one, right up to the bumblebee ones with ‘simulated’ bells.

I wanted to draw something that struck me as ‘Melbourne’ without getting too contrived.  This (being a tram) isn’t typically ‘cool’ or ‘creative’ as such.  Just my vector interpretation of a Melbourne icon.  Great to show the world where you’re from (or where you’ve been).

There’s also a black and white alternative if you don’t like wearing the colours.

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