Slow Crawl – Exclusive on – 15th-18th November
Wowsers! ‘Slow Crawl vs Star Destroyer’ is exclusive on from 15th-18th November.
Get while it’s hot. ($12) to be precise…, or just stop by to say hello 🙂
Wowsers! ‘Slow Crawl vs Star Destroyer’ is exclusive on from 15th-18th November.
Get while it’s hot. ($12) to be precise…, or just stop by to say hello 🙂
If you’re in the market for christmas gifts you can wear or stick on a wall, then you can get any of my t-shirts, stickers and artwork from RedBubble at:
Just quote: bombadeo_is_on_sale_6607
at the checkout
May I suggest…
Roll up Roll up! – Get your cheap and (guaranteed to make you) cheerful T-Shirts from Redbubble for the next week at 15% off current prices.
This also means that if you’re lovin’ it large and buy 5, then you’ll also get them shipped for free. Sweet!
Did I mention I have T-Shirts at Redbubble?
I’m a creative geek living in Melbourne, Australia who writes software by day, and creates T-shirts and other designs by night. This is all of course when time and motivation allows.
It’s probably accurate to say I dabble in things other than software to keep my creative side happy. I was always a keen musician (guitar, drums and keyboards) but am now happy to dream of the ‘greatness’ I never achieved. I may surprise myself yet… I might also get round to finishing my list of gig attendances one day.
I like to take pictures of things that interest me, and am becoming and increasingly keen photographer.
I occasionally write technical articles, produce the odd bit of freeware, and record technical thoughts on my Codebureau blog. Anything left may end up on this blog – but that’s rapidly turning into my world of T-Shirts!
If you’re interested in hiring me for contract development work in the Melbourne, Australia area then take a look at my skills timeline to see if I might be able to fit your needs, then contact me right here.